Sunday, October 5, 2014

Latihan soal kelas XII ganjil

I. Answer the following questions based on the text.
The water cycle is the never-ending movement of the earth’s water. Water goes from the ocean to the air to the land and back to the oceans again. For that reason, its movements is called a cycle. This cycle begins when heat from the sun turns ocean water into water vapor. Water vapor is water that has become a gas. The water vapor rises high into the sky, where it cools off. The cooled water vapor changes into tiny drops of water. The drops are held up in the sky by rising warm air. When billions of these drops of water cluster together they form a cloud. The water in the clouds eventually falls to earth as rain. If the water vapor is cold enough, it turns into ice and falls as snow. Most rain and snow falls into the ocean, but some falls on land. In time, this water also flows back to the ocean and the cycle starts again.
Taken from The World Book Student Discovery Encyclopedia
1.  What is the water cycle?
2.  Why is the movement of water called a cycle?
3.  When does the cycle begin?
4.  What is water vapor?
5.  Where does the water vapor cool off?
6.  What does the cooled water change into?
7.  What makes the drops be held up in the sky?
8.  How is a cloud formed?
9.  How does the water in the clouds fall to Earth?
10.Where does most rain and snow fall?

Do you know pollution? Pollution is caused by human activities and natural phenomena, but it is caused more by human. Pollution is divided into four kinds; they are, water pollution, land pollution, air pollution and noise pollution.
 Air pollution caused by industry activities, vehicles or forest fire. Water pollution happens because of human activities such as industries’ waste and house wastes which are thrown carelessly. Land pollution happens because people bury plastic wastes, styrofoam, or cans that can’t be broken by land bacteria. Noise pollution is happened because of the noise produced by vehicles, machines industries and home industries.
 We can help to reduce the pollution. Use public transport or mass transport rather than private car. Try to avoid using plastic, Styrofoam to prevent the land pollution. Do not throw trash into the river, lakes or seas.
1.  What is the title of the text?
2.  How many kinds of pollution mention in the text?
3.  What is the major cause of pollution?
4.  What pollution can be caused by burying plastic bags?
5.  What is one of ways to reduce the air pollution?

II. Answer the following questions based on the dialogue.
Serena : Hi, Bill! Congratulation, you are chosen as the redactor of school magazine.
Billy      : Oh, Hi, Serena. Thank you.
Serena : What’s your planning now?
Billy      : I have to prepare a new concept. Do you have any idea?
Serena : Hmmm, I recommend that you should change the magazine lay out.
Billy      : Really, Why?
Serena : The readers may get bored with the former lay out, it has already been used since the first time it was established. Besides, you can make it more colorful.
Billy      : Ok, good idea. Thank you for your suggestion.
1.  What did Serena congratulate Bill for?
2.  What is Serena’s suggestion to the new redactor?
3.  Why did Serena suggest that the layout should be replaced?
4.  How might the reader feel about the former lay out?
5.  What did Billy say for Serena’s suggestion?

III. Change the sentences into passive voice
1.   My friend looks after her sister
2.  The boy is cleaning the car
3.  My brother studied English
4.  My father will build a big pond
5.  The girl has arranged the books on the display

IV. Change the sentences into indirect speech
1.   The man asked, ”Where is your friend?”
2.  My friend asked me, ”Can I help you?”
3.  Anto said to Lina, “I forgot your name.”
4.  The police warned, “Don’t cross the road!”
5.  My mother commanded, “Open your mouth!”

V.  Choose one topic below and write down a personal narrative
- Friendship
- Adolescent
- Love
- Childhood
- Betrayal

Friday, October 3, 2014

SAAT YG INDAH              
by Chrisye

Lilin-lilin kecil hangat di hati
Mengingatkan daku saat indah
Saat indah dulu masa penuh canda
Di masa remaja
Yang penuh tawa ceria

Sewindu berlalu tiada terasa
Bulan tahun telah kita lewati
Kini kau tertidur di samping si kecil
Buah hati kita
Perasaan menyatu dalam cinta

Kau selalu saja setia
Duduk berdampingan berdua
Seperti masih saja saat remaja
Lihat sikecilmu oh mama
Tertidur memelukmu mesra
Kini kuucapkan selamat malam